Have you published these results anywhere? It would be great to be able to cite them!

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These results are not published elsewhere. To cite please refer to this Substack post (highly appreciated!). Besides the convention results, we had published the report on 2021 Utah County municipal elections in https://vixra.org/pdf/2208.0166v1.pdf. And, heads-up, soon we will be releasing report for the November 2023 Utah County elections (will be posted here as well). Thanks for your interest and for citing our work!

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Neat, thanks! Unfortunately though, I don't think I'd be able to cite a blog post or anything on Vixra, neither of which is really considered a reliable source. If you published the papers, or at least moved them over to Arxiv, HAL, RePEc, or some other reputable preprint repository, it'd be a lot easier to cite them.


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In th first table, what does ‘Average Length” refer to? Months in a campaign?

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Thanks for the question: this column captures the average length of a cast ballot, i.e., how many rank positions voters ended up filling. Obviously, this average is upper-bounded by the number of candidates.

For example, if we look at SD22 in Table, the ballot length (averaged over 144 voters) was 7.5 but the election was for 9 candidates. This means, on average, 1.5 rank positions were left blank.

These are actually pretty "good" numbers - voters did use most of the rank positions. Same metric looks a bit worse in general elections (as described in https://litarvan.substack.com/p/the-curious-election).

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